Saturday, October 22, 2011

Have YOU Donated Blood ? How Heathy are YOU ?

Went Oct. 21st to donate blood !  First time for me !  Did it for a friend who's mother is same blood type.  I am a "fainter" as they call it...usually faint at the site of blood...however it usually happens when it's something "traumatic" (cut myself, or someone else does etc.). Anyway...gave blood and then passed out right after they pulled the needle out of my arm !  I couldn't believe it !  I awoke to 4 nurses fanning me and calling my name !  The nurses were wonderful and told me that I was not the first person that had had that happen that day !  Some people just seem to have bad reactions and I am one of them. Sad part is that they recommended that I don't ever do it again as I would most likely have the same thing happen !  So my first time was my last time !  But I've got the sticker to prove it !     At least I was able to give the blood and help 3 people in doing so !    

However, what I did learn is alot of healthy stats about myself.  They obviously do alot of screening pre-donation as well as take your BP and pulse.  I was interested to know the results. Hemoglobin: 130 (measures the red blood cell count and can detect if you are anemic) I was told mine was on the high side which is extremely good as 120-125 is the norm.   Resting Heart Rate: 66 bpm - excellent   BP: 112 / 58 and Temp: 36.2 .  All great healthy results. 
I am always measuring whether the supplements and diet I follow are helping / hindering me ? I do NOT eat much red meat (maybe once a month and therefore supplement the iron in both supplements and leafy greens.   I also take a lot of vitamins and training supplements. 
There is alot of confusion out there these days what we should / should not take as well as the vitamin controversy as well.  I am happy that my nutrition lifestyle is paying off !