Are you thinking about it yet? You probably will be soon... once all the eggnog wears off and your holiday hangover starts to give you pangs of guilt.
I see so many people indulge frequently and say 'well it's the holidays'; or "one won't hurt" or we'll share dessert...IT ALL ADDS UP !
But fear not. Here are 20 ways to get you started up or back on track to a healthier, fitter lifestyle. READ ON !
1. Write Your Goals Down And Be Specific - Don't just write, "I'm going to lose 20 pounds by summer," or "I'm going to watch what I eat," or "I'm going to start exercising three times a week." You need to have a specific game plan. For example, "I'm going to lose 20 pounds in six months by following the Eat-Clean diet book, doing three spinning classes a week at the gym and hiking on the weekends." Tosca Reno's book referenced above is one of best ways to start !
2. Inspire Yourself - Many people think they just can't do something and immediately set up road blocks. Think back to your past successes or achievements. What did you do to accomplish those goals? Everybody has some great achievements. Maybe it was a promotion to higher position, an athletic feat or overcoming a tough obstacle in your life. Recall the frame of mind you had then and practice going there when you need to motivate. Try putting up a picture of someone that inspires you and you would like to model. I have pics all over my gym of fitness legends that inspire me !!!
3. Build Your Confidence Without Breaking Your Stride - It may sound weird, but don't be an overachiever too soon. Make your first set of goals for 2012 easy to achieve.
So set the bar low and gradually raise it. You may even feel like you're holding yourself back a little. Believe me, this is much better than doing too much too soon and burning out early -- or worse, getting injured and losing all you've gained. Trust me, I see this all the time in with people I train and also these boot camps that pop up all over the place ! A newcomer will come in with guns blazing and doesn't heed my warnings of taking it easy at first. By the halfway point (if they make it that far) they're turning red and gasping for air. Rarely will I see that person again.
4. Workout Buddys - Get Some ! - If your co-workers, friends and spouse are couch potatoes or fast food junkies, it's time to turn the mirror on yourself. You probably have at least a few unhealthy habits, too. You do need to surround yourself with like-minded people. They will help motivate you ! Lots of companies now have in-house programs that are incentive based as well.
5. Be A Vain, Selfish Egomaniac ! - Yes you read that right ! I meet too many people that put everyone else above themselves and their health. Once you start taking the steps towards your health and fitness goals by going to the gym or exercising most days of the week and taking control of what you eat, some people might actually say you're being vain, selfish and all about you. Helloooo??? The problem with being healthier, losing weight and getting fitter is what, exactly?
Tell yourself, "Taking better care of myself will ultimately make me a better spouse, parent, friend and worker."
6. Mind Your Mindlessness - I advise ALL my clients to keep a simple log or a journal of everything you eat. People tend to eat more than they think and slowly but surely weight -- well, fat actually -- creeps up on you. It's also a fact that most people tend to underestimate how many calories they're consuming. Don't just try to keep track in your mind. You'll spend more time trying to remember every bite you took than it would take to just jot it down. There are great apps available for your iPhone or smart phones too like Livestrong, Calorie Counter, Perfect Diet Tracker, etc. If you tend to be an emotional eater (someone who eats even when they're not hungry or eats when they experience certain feelings - and I know a few....), write down what you're feeling when you eat. You'll probably notice a pattern like going after sweet, sugary treats or fattening comfort foods when certain feelings are triggered.
Being able to identify this will help you get your bad eating habits under control. Also, put down the People, US, and Oprah Magazine and get active !
7. Sign Up For An Event Or Lessons - Dancing is extremely popular and a great way to get in shape if you stick with it. If you are a "class" person - sign up for Zumba, or a Yoga Class to keep you moving.
8. Expect The Unexpected - It WILL happen.....but you can be prepared for setbacks and mishaps. There are going to be days where you have to work later than you expected and miss your spinning / exercise class at the gym. Of course your co-workers will inevitably order pizza or bring in doughnuts when you have a chicken salad and lentil soup waiting at home. Be prepared by keeping healthy snacks in your desk, or know the healthiest options at the pizza place near your office, so you can order that instead of pepperoni. THIS is when you need to really dig deep and muster up the will power ! Trust me you will be glad you did. I just experienced a pot-luck at my place of employment and watched countless people over-indulge and eat way too many sweets only to feel guilty and stuffed after. It's not worth it - especially when you consider what you have to do to make up for it !!
9. Don't Be Too Proud Or Embarrassed To Ask For Help - You are most likely surrounded by people that are knowledgeable about diet, and exercise. Or Hire It !! If you are fortunate enough to be able to hire a personal trainer and/or nutritionist, by all means do it!
If everyone had the ability to design workout programs and diet plans, people like me would be out of work. There are other options too. Sign up for a meal delivery plan -- there are more options now than ever for tasty, healthy food. You'll be surprised at how many are out there once you Google "meals delivered to your home." Not only will all your calories be counted for you, making it much easier to lose weight, but you'll also find yourself with a nice big chunk of extra time. If time or budget are the issues, there is no shortage of great workout DVDs that you can do right at home and are very cost-effective. Many are even on demand through your cable or satellite provider.
10. Treat Yourself The Way You Want Others To Treat You - You wouldn't berate your best friend or your child or your pet if they slipped up... would you? If you have a bad food or fitness day (or even a bad week), talk to yourself the way you'd want your friends or spouse to talk to you -- with compassion. Tell yourself it's okay, and that even the best of us have slip ups.
Put it behind you, let it go just like you did with 2011, and look towards your next meal or next workout. Get back on track!
Welcome to the new you ! Now print this out and tak it on your Motivation Board you are going to create !!
As always, I am here to help !
"Inspire, Create, Motivate"
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Why Sugar Makes Us Tired and What You Can Do About it !
Those sugar highs you think you get are likely a figment of your imagination. In reality, they're more like sugar sedatives. Jonah Lehrer, writing for Wired, points out that orexin—a brain chemical that keeps you feeling awake—is inhibited when you consume sugar. Fortunately, there's a fix.
Lehrer points out a study looking at the effects of different foods on orexin that discovered that while sugar lowered orexin levels in the brain (which creates a tired feeling) and protein excited the orexin cells into production mode (generating a feeling of alertness):
The last sequence of experiments explored the impact of different nutrient combinations on the orexin system. Although the scientists assumed that the inhibitory presence of glucose would more than compensate for the excitatory influence of protein, that hypothesis turned out be incorrect. Instead, consuming even a little protein canceled out the curse of sugar, especially when the foods were consumed simultaneously. (When the animals ate protein first, and then swallowed a chaser of glucose, orexin neurons still showed a decrease in activity. So make sure your dessert has some protein in it.)This research is just further evidence suggesting that what we eat isn't about calories in and calories out. The content of our meals really matters. Furthermore, it's worth noting that sugar isn't a great substance regardless of the presence of protein.
Studies have taken a close look at sugar and how fructose isn't digested like normal food.
You're better off staying away from the stuff in general, but at least you can deter some of the negative effects by including a little protein in the mix.
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