The Fitness Commitment !
Get it and Success is YOURS !
Re-Post from - October 16, 2009
Many people ask me how I stay so motivated and focused on my fitness goals ? Well, I will be the first to tell you that it is NOT easy ! I always tell them that it has to become part of your lifestyle. It’s like booking a personal appointment with yourself and always keeping it !
The decision to carry out a physical fitness program cannot be taken lightly. It requires a lifelong commitment of time and effort. Exercise must become one of those things that you do without question, like bathing and brushing your teeth. Unless you are convinced of the benefits of fitness and the risks of unfitness, you will not succeed.
Think of it in Steps:
Step 1 - CHOOSE TO BE IN CONTROL - The first step on the path to physical fitness is making the decision in your mind to change your life ! It is very liberating to come to that point in your life where you realize that YOU alone have the power to change your body and be in control on how you look and feel ! Most people do not think this, but it is very true. Consult your doctor and get the all-clear, especially if you have a medical condition or are rehabbing from an injury. Decide on whether or not you can join a gym ? Ideally one close to your house is best as you can go either early in the morning OR after work. If you can’t - turn a part of your home into a “mini-gym” - all you need is a few tools - Yoga Mat, Exercise Ball and a variety of free weights. If you have some sort of cardio machine then even better. Decide if you need a “kick-start” and hire a personal trainer to help guide you.
Step 2 - LEARN ! Put down People Magazine and In-Touch because they are “out of touch” with your reality ! Instead, next time you are standing in the Grocery Line try picking up a Fitness Magazine like Oxygen or Shape or Fitness Rx - don’t be afraid - they are chock full of valuable info, tips, recipes, supplements and most important - SUCCESS Stories ! I dare you to read just one of those “I changed my life” articles and then tell me YOU can’t do it too !
I constantly learn and continually educate myself on new exercises and food choices. I get teased about "eating clean" and being religious about what I eat; but hey it pays off.
Step 3 - PATIENCE is essential. Don?t try to do too much too soon and don?t quit before you have a chance to experience the rewards of improved fitness. You can?t regain in a few days or weeks what you have lost in years of sedentary living, but you can get it back if your persevere. And the prize is worth the price !
It has taken me EIGHT years of continual learning and striving to improve to get to where I am. Have I fallen off the wagon ? Sure I have but never to the point where I did not want to hop back on ! I have survived injuries and screwed up schedules but because fitness is a huge priority to me - it never takes a back seat for long ! Set GOALS - small but attainable - and when you reach one - reward yourself and then quickly set another one ! It’s not hard.
Step 4 - CARDIO - You are a woman ? You are 40 (or almost there ? ) GUESS what Ladies ?????? YOU NEED TO DO CARDIO !!! YES, TO SOME OF YOU it’s a dirty word, but it essential to overall fitness and achieving your goals. Thinking about it does NOT count either. I am sorry but there is no way around it. MUFFIN TOPS BE GONE !!! NO MORE JIGGLE WHEN YOU ARE DRIVING ! (feels terrible, doesn’t it ?)
So, what to do ?? Well, first, let’s address the medical issues. Thyroid/arthritis issues/ etc. - there are some limits to the TYPE of cardio you can do. I do understand that. Try speed walking if you can’t run. Try an Elliptical Trainer if you can’t run. Try swimming laps if you can’t run.
Yeah, I know…..RUN is prevalent in my paragraph. That’s because it IS THE BEST way to lose weight, achieve overall toning and strengthen your heart and lungs. Plus it lets loose all those “feel good endorphins” that make you feel positive and energetic all day long ! Those of you who have experienced the “runners high” know what I mean.
It’s like a great golf swing - it keeps ya’ coming back for more
Step 5 - EAT CLEAN - The Last Frontier ! A Key Piece to the Fitness Puzzle. You cannot commit to fitness and workout unless you change your diet !!! I have talked to many people who tell me….”Oh I work out, I do my cardio…but I just can’t seem to lose weight…so then I say….”What are you eating?” Their face turns red…’s the “taboo” subject and guess what IT IS WHAT HOLDS YOU BACK. Eating Clean is the solution. Sure, everyone has a vice….mine is Ice Cream but I don;t allow it too often….When I first started out I had a “Cheat Day” meaning one day of 7 I could eat whatever I wanted. Eventually I banished that day completely. So put down that Red Wine glass because your body cannot handle the carbs ladies !! Yes, alot of people think - Oh, that’s only for hard core body-builders ! Not so ! Everyone needs to incorporate this into their life. And trust me, once you do, you will love the results and the weight will fall off quickly ! Small steps achieve big rewards ! Keep a food journal for two weeks - you will be shocked when you see just exactly what you eat and drink !
So….think about these first steps and whether you want to change your life ! It’s up to you !!
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