I cannot tell you how many people tell me "I don't have time to work out" ! It's actually a valid but totally untrue comment ! In order for you to be successful with your goal to lose weight you have to adapt fitness into your lifestyle and immerse your mind in the reality that this choice IS not only schedule altering but a life altering decision.
Do you have time to be sick ??? NO - so you better get your head around being fit or you my friend will have to make time to be sick as you get older.
I hear people say..."Oh I eat clean", I eat healthy" and that's a great start. But don't fool yourself....if you are NOT working out....it is only going to go so far in keeping you fit. It is like Ying and Yang - one goes hand in hand with the other !
Take a look at the people around you....or people close to your age.... do you notice that older, heavyset friends and family members are starting to have medical problems related to their extra pounds ? How many people do you know that have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in the last two years due to their lifestyle ?
You can begin with small steps...like walking or using an elliptical at least 20 min. a day and strength training 20 to 30 min. day. Start with one goal and when you reach that reward yourself and set another goal right away !
I had a client that made the crucial mistake of losing 70 lbs and then did not set a new goal and gained it all back beacuse she did not continue to work at her goals and fitness. She will regret this later in life.
Lack of time isn't a good excuse. YOU have the time but YOU just don't take it.
You consider other things more important. You need to consider taking time to exercise and make it an important part of your day."
Build walking into your life. That is a small start but one you will be glad you made.
You must do the work. It won't be handed to you on a silver platter.
Limit your calories in a day and and say NO to the office treats.
Become educated in reading Nutrition Labels and know what you are putting into your mouth.
Keep a workout / food journal and track your calories and exercise.
Start a Goal / Positive Change Board and begin tacking up images/affirmations of what you want to accomplish !
My abs come from a lot of hard work and dedication....but I also have role models and pictures I look at every day that continue to inspire me to new goals.
Small steps lead to big rewards, and YOU can do it !
Good Luck !
"Inspire, Create, Motivate"
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